It looked great, but also a little rough around the edges. Tagging should be mostly automated and we'll put some time into creating albums as we feel like it. We don't intend to spend a lot of time managing the library. My partner and I have gotten use to Google Photos taking care to tagging and facial recognition automatically. What is lacking is a way to explore the photos (sort, tag, search, etc.).
NextCloud backup from Android app to server works great for this. I think it's important to me to keep a regular copy of all the photos somewhere (rather than bundled up in a database where I could loose them if something went wrong). I've recently set up a home server with UNRAID, currently running Plex and NextCloud w/ MariaBD) and am looking for a good photos solution. I've been going down the rabbit hole of self-hosted photo library solutions. r/HomeNetworking - Simpler networking advice. r/pfsense - for all things pfsense ('nix firewall) Might be able to find things useful for a lab. r/hardwareswap - Used hardware, swap hardware. r/buildapcsales - For sales on building a PC r/linux - All flavors of Linux discussion & news - not for the faint of heart! Try to be specific with your questions if possible.

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